412 km / 97 kph ave / 135 kph max / 51 mpg
6 hrs tot / 4 hrs mov / 1000m-->3500m-->2450m
Last night we had a beautiful view of the southern hemisphere stars. We hadn´t fully adjusted to our new time zone, so our 1000 start felt much earlier. It was only a 4 hr ride, but the elevation got high enough to really notice the temperature drop. Coming into S.P de A. was weird because there were backpackers all over the place, but we drove around for a while trying to find the main plaza. It seemed like all the roads seemed to be one way roads heading away from it. We finally gave up and drove about 50m the wrong way to the main square where the tourist office gave us a map of local campgrounds. We got a nice campground near downtown for $8 USD pp/night. We gave our bikes a bath and booked a trip to the salt lake for the next day.
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