131 km / 32 kph ave / 87 kph max
5 hrs tot / 4 hrs mov / 1 land slide road closure!
This morning we slept in till 0900, had a leisurely breakfast, and did some shopping in the market. By the time we were ready to hit the road it was 1200. It took us 40 minutes to find the road out of town we were looking for. Man, I miss GPS. The road was paved and twisty, but there was a lot of debris on the road from recent rains. After about 30km, it turned to all dirt. The first 10 km of the dirt section was rough washboard gravel with lots of potholes. I was loving it, my dad, not so much. After that the road smoothed out, but we couldn´t go very fast because it was all switchbacks. Still, pretty cool riding.
After reaching the tiny town of Accha, we were planning on heading east to the main highway of Ruta 3. Mother nature had other plans. Only about 7 km out of town, we encountered a series of rock slides. We walked the first three and determined they were passable, but met 2 other motorcycles coming the other way, and they had been turned back. No Passe!
After driving back to Accha, we decided to spend the night here, since it was after 1700 and getting dark. The town convenience store owner was very helpful and a room and covered parking for $20 sols. We learned that the road to Acomayo had been “broken” since Sunday (4 days prior).
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