20 km / 47 kph ave / 92 kph max
1 hr tot / 0:30 hr mov
This morning we left our bikes and gear in the hostel courtyard and took a walk around downtown BA. We walked down Ave 9 de Julio, the widest boulevard in the world, to the famous Obelisco.
After getting back to the hostel, we finagled our bikes out of the courtyard and returned Ben's bike to the rental place.
There are not very many motorcycle rental outfits in Bs. As., and they are all expensive. Renta-moto had good customer service, but charged way too much for extras, like going more than 250 km per day. They blamed it on the expensive cost of tires. After renting a newer, bigger bike for a longer amount of time and for less money just 2 months ago in New Zealand, I felt like Renta-motos were just trying to bleed me dry. They had a whole stack of used tires outside the shop and at least I got a free, used Michelin rear tire from them. EOR (end of rant).
We said our goodbyes to Ben and headed back to the friendly confines of Dakar Motos where we would change dad's tire and both our oils in the morning.
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