230 km / 55 kph ave / 130 kph max
5 hrs tot / 4 hrs mov / 3738m --> 4120m
We slept in until 0900, knowing the Carnival parade would go all day. After breakfast we cleared out our room, but left our gear with the bikes in the courtyard and got some great seats in the front row of the parade route. After seeing a while we wanted to move further down the parade route, but from where we were we could only walk down the route ourselves. We were prime targets for the bubble spray from people in the stands and we both got doused good while we were in the open.
After a cheese sandwich for lunch we headed out around 1300 with rain gear on. Luckily, this would be the second day in a row we wouldn't need it. When we got closer to La Paz, the traffic became terrible, made worse by Carnival closures and celebrations. We found a hotel in the suburb city of El Alto for $44 USD. It was on the 5ht floor with a decent view, but unfortunately, there was a karaoke club on the 6th floor and we spent the night listening to awful Japanese singing.
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