Google maps won't go across the water, but that's what we did.
6 km / 46 kph ave / 87 kph max
2 hrs tot / 0:20 hrs mov / 1 border crossing
After checking out of the room, we left our gear with the bikes and went for a walk. It was a beautiful day and we had a 90 min siesta under a shade platform on the beach. We had a late lunch at an outdoor cafe, and then hung out in the hotel lounge until 1730, when we dropped our bikes off at the port. The cost for the one hour ferry was $40 USD for us and $64 USD for the bikes. After dropping the bikes off, we went through the immigration control and re-joined our bikes.
We got our new Argentina import papers on the other side and headed the short 5 km to our downtown hostel, arriving at 2000.
After settling in and getting some ice cream, we took a taxi to La Bar and heard a couple of local bands.
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