604 km / 81.8 kph ave / 145 kph max
8:30 hrs tot / 7:23 hrs mov
Today the day started out much like day 11, but after the border crossing at San Sebastian, we took the northern route, which had much less loose stuff and seemed much better. We got to Cerra Sombero at 1220 and didn’t want to wait till 1300, so we went ahead to the ferry. Once again, there was no wait and we got right on.
My fuel light came on during the 42 km drive to the border and I added 3 of my 4 L I was carrying in reserve to get me to the next gas station 67 km away. It wasn’t enough, as I ran out of gas 17 km short of the station. In goes my last litre of reserve and I’m a little lighter on the throttle. I had used 3 L to go 50 km. going 80 mph into the headwind will do that I guess. After filling up, oiling our chains, and getting some food at the gas station, we decided to push on – Northwards towards Bs. As. It felt good to be heading into new territory on new roads after our three days in TDF. Ruta 3 is nice so far and the wind is not too bad. The weather is getting nicer too. We ended up staying at Comandante Luis Piedrabuena, - an “Oasis in Patagonia”. We stayed at a cabana for $120 Arg pesos and took a walk through town.
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