477 km / 77 kph ave / 144 kph max
8 hrs tot / 6 hrs mov
We were on the road by 0915 and the first 100 km to Ushuaia were pretty boring. I had a little excitement when I almost hit a llama running across the road. Luckily, I saw it in time to get on the brakes hard and miss it by about a foot. The last 60 km or so were beautiful and provided some nice overlooks.
The road was carved into the side of a mountain at one point, and once you’re far enough south, there is enough moisture to support conifers. The air had a great fresh smell to it.
After a photo at the city gates, we bypassed downtown and went straight to the National Park where there famous Fin del Mundo sign informs you that you are indeed at the end of the earth.
We had lunch at the park resort, which offered some great views.
The ride north back to Rio Grande was just as spectacular. Back at Rio Grande, we decided to stay here for the night. We’ll tackle the border crossings and 2 hrs of dirt riding in the wind after a good night’s sleep. We found a nice hotel with indoor parking again and bought some food at a market and had pasta, peas, potatoes, chocolate and beer for dinner.
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