492 km / 85.2 kph ave / 126 kph max
8 hrs tot / 6 hrs mov / 57 mpg

This morning we hit the road without GPS since we were parked in a garage and went 10 km in the wrong direction before our units picked up the satellites and turned us around. It makes me wonder how we'll do in Bolivia and Peru, where we don't have detailed maps on the GPS. We spent the first 300 km or so on the Autopiste (expressway), but without traffic or wind, so it was a pleasant ride. We left the expressway at Villa Maria and continued west on the old Ruta 9. It was scenic and rich farm country. One of the more wealthy farming towns had famous cartoon characters on th side of the road and we stopped to get some pictures with Homer and the crew.

We stopped at a picturesque dam and met some people who wanted some photos with the bikes. They were staying at a campsite 22km up the road this sounded like a good place to stop for the night. I washed some clothes in the river and we had a chicken stew for dinner.

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