186 km / 55.8 kph ave / 128 kph max
4:30 hrs tot / 3:15 hrs mov
We had heard that the mountain passes around Cochabamba were always raining, so we left the hotel suited up in our rain gear, but amazingly enough we were able to ride through a dry window. The raingear was still nice to have because of the lower temps at higher altitude. The mountain pass was a great ride, and it took us all the way up to 4700+ meters. We could really notice the drop in the bikes performance at that high elevation.
We got into Oruro in the afternoon before the famous Carnival parade and searched for a hotel room. Most would only book accommodation for the whole weekend, but they were all around $250 USD per night. We finally found one willing to accept a one night stay and parked our bikes in the courtyard and took a walk around town. There were frantic parade preparations going on all around. The construction of bleachers went all through the night. When we retired to our room at 2230, there were still thousands of people out and about.
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