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542 km / 82.1 kph ave / 121 kph max
8:45 hrs tot / 6:30 hrs mov / 56,62 mpg
Wow, today was a spectacular ride. It had everything: twisties in the forest, twisties in the desert, sand, gravel, water crossings, animal crossings, small towns, the iconic Ruta 40 and great scenery the whole time. It was just flat out awesome riding. The first river crossing was a bit nerve racking, but after that they were fun.
As we were pulling into the hosteria, dad's clutch would not disengage. After taking apart the hydraulic cylinder and putting in three washers as spacers to shim the piston out, it worked fine. We don't know how long it will work, so we're heading up to Santa Cruz in search of a Ducati dealer. The bed and breakfast was immaculate. Something like this would be $300 a night in Napa, but here it was just $50 USD. The owner of the hosteria was very nice and served us a beer while his wife cooked us a pizza for dinner. The bottle of wine came from his friend's winery right down the road. Everything was delicious as it looks.
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