517 km / 77.8 kph ave / 132 kph max
7:30 hrs tot / 6:30 hrs mov / 3650m-->4500m(x5)-->4600m(x2)-->1420m
This morning we were on the road by 0830 and had another 240 km on Ruta 3 before turning SW on Ruta 32. If we had to choose a road to do twice, we could have done a lot worse than this stretch of Ruta 3. No rain, nice scenery, and light traffic made for a pleasant ride.
Ruta 32 was another beautiful road. It climbed from the 3800m elevation from Puno and traveled along a ridge. We were topping 4500m regularly (5 times) and even topped 4600m twice. The last high pass was in a cloud and the temperature must have been in the 30´s (Farenhiet). Our numb fingers were very happy at that point to start the long descent to Moquegua. By the end of the day we were at 1400m and it felt like summer again!
We found a great hotel for the same price as our crappy hotel last night. Awesome!
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