318 km / 61 kph ave / 142 kph max
9 hrs tot / 5:15 hrs mov / 47 mpg
Today we woke up before 0800 and got an early start to the day. The slime in dad's tubeless tire really made the tire swap a piece of cake. The oil changes and air filter cleanings also went off without a hitch and after having lunch with Javiar, Sandra, and their son Julian, we were ready to say goodbye and hit the road.
We were in traffic for a little while waiting to get on Hwy 9, then had to get off the expressway while they cleaned up a rollover semitruck that had caught fire. We got to Rosario around 1900 and drove around looking for a place to stay with parking. Just as we were about to loose hope, we found a hostel with attached parking garage. With $50 Arg peso rooms, it was just the ticket!
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