530 km / 90.4 kph ave / 142 kph max / 75 mpg
8:45 hrs tot / 6 hrs mov / 1420m-->10m-->1200m-->1000m / 1 border crossing
This morning we were on the road at 0830 and getting out of town was a breeze. Two hours later we were in Tacna, and finding our way out of this town would not prove to be as easy. A few zig-zags, and one turn around later, we were on Hwy 1 Sur headed to the frontier (border). We arrived at the border 1030 Peru time, but 1230 Chile time. As we expected customs and immigration went off without a hitch. Hwy 1 in Peru gave way to Hwy 5 in Chile (both are the Pan-American Hwy). Hwy 5 followed the ocean at first, then went inland to follow a ridge. Vegetation was sparse and sand was plentiful. The ride was nice enough until the cross wind picked up during the last hour. We found a nice campsite for $8 USD.
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